Archive: February, 2012
  • February

    Team Member Represents Professional Women on Panel at North Carolina State University

    Middle East District Mechanical Engineer Wilhelmina Pierce returned to North Carolina State University, her alma mater, in Raleigh, N.C., for their 7th Annual Professional Women in the Workplace Symposium, Feb. 9. The goal of the symposium was to share professional experiences and impart advice to undergraduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) majors.
  • USACE Supports Local Mathletes

    Mathletes from area middle schools gathered Feb. 4 to compete in a local MATHCOUNTS event.
  • District Reaches Two Million Man Hours of Safe Work in Bahrain

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District has recognized a contractor for working more than two million man hours without a lost-time accident.
  • District observes National African American History Month

    The Middle East District welcomed three African American leaders from the greater Washington, D.C., area Feb. 24 to discuss the leadership and perseverance of black women in America as part of National African American Heritage Month.
  • Wounded Warrior Caregiver Speaks to District Leaders

    Andrea Sawyer knows first-hand how war can impact a military service member and a family. She said goodbye to her husband, a Soldier, as he left for Iraq in 2006 and welcomed home a changed man in 2007.
  • TV3 Winchester Report from USACE Deployment Center

    Two local news anchors/reporters from ABC affiliate TV3 Winchester visited the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deployment Center to learn about changes in operations and talk with deployees.
  • Post Award Conference Held for USCENTCOM MATOC Holders

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District hosted a post award conference for contractors Jan. 25.
  • Districts Collaborate to Provide Essential Services in Afghanistan

    Teamwork is a tenet of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as it fulfills its mission to provide engineering services to the nation in peace and war, and nowhere is that better exemplified than the collaboration that exists among the districts of the Transatlantic Division in delivering services that support construction in Afghanistan.
  • KazBuild Spring 2012 Construction Exhibition Scheduled for March

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will participate in a construction exhibition in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in March in support of the Central Asian States Initiative. The exhibition, entitled "KazBuild Spring 2012," will feature more than 150 exhibitors from around the world, including construction contractors and suppliers supporting the construction industry in the region. Further information and registration instructions are included at