Archive: 2011
  • December

    USACE Helps Build a Cleaner, More Sanitary Fallujah

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Middle East District, in conjunction with Iraq's Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works, recently oversaw the completion of a new wastewater collection and treatment system for the city of Fallujah in Iraq's Al-Anbar Governate.
  • MED has some Tough Mudders

    Tough Mudder claims that is "probably the toughest event on the planet," but it wasn't too tough for seven Middle East District employees.
  • MED Continues Support to Balkans with USC II

    When President Bill Clinton ordered 20,000 U.S. troops to Bosnia-Herzegovina in December 1995, U.S. Army Europe turned to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide services through an existing contract managed by the Middle East District's predecessor. Soldiers received their life support – food, water, laundry and sanitation – and transportation and maintenance services through that contract, allowing them to focus on their peacekeeping mission.
  • Middle East District Deputy Commander Participates in 20th Wreaths Across America

    Lt. Col. Russell Sears, Deputy Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District, participated in the 20th annual Wreaths Across America event Dec. 10.
  • November

    Team Members Support Local Career Fair at James Wood High School

    Middle East District participated in a career day event, held Nov. 16, at James Wood High School. Two District team members were among the 37 invited speakers and presenters from both private industry and government organizations.
  • Middle East Deputy Commander Speaks at John Handly High School

    Lt. Col. Russell Sears, Middle East District Deputy Commander, served as keynote speaker during John Handley High School’s annual Veterans Day program Nov. 4.
  • September

    Middle East District Welcomes a New Commander

    Col. Jon L. Christen-sen took command of the U.S. Army’s engineering and construction agent in the Middle East and Central Asia re-gions during a ceremony Aug. 29 at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center here. Christensen follows Col. Ronald N. Light who led the Middle East District (MED) from July 2007 to July 2008 and again in August 2009, following a year in command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Gulf Region Divi-sion’s Central District (GRC) in Iraq.
  • May

    MED’s Hangar Fire Protection TCX is in demand

    MED is home to the Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) for Hangar Fire Protection that provides FPE assistance throughout the country and the world through design and construction of fire protection systems, and participation in acceptance tests for aircraft hangars. The TCX provides services to the Army Corps of Engineers, Air Force, Army, Air Reserve, and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • April

    UDC continues to set standard for deployment processing

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deployment Center (UDC) continues to grow and improve as it sets a high standard for deployment preparation and processing centers throughout the federal government.