Doing Business with the Middle East District

Doing Business With Us

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Expand List item 8190Collapse List item 8190  Project Management Business Process

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers delivers projects, products, and services using a business model called the Project Management Business Process, wherein we form a team to define and deliver your mission requirements. We are most successful as a team when we adhere to the following business rules:

  • Each project has one Project Manager and one Project Delivery Team. You, the customer, are an essential part of this team – after all, we are working for you.
  • The fundamental document that guides project completion is the Project Management Plan.

The best PMPs clearly identify what you need, when you need it, and how you want us to communicate project status to you.

The Middle East District employs more than 500 professionals to serve you. We size our staff based on your mission requirements: our District does not have a fixed staff limit or rigid organizational structure.

Our staff has registered engineers, architects, contracting professionals, cost estimators, and certified project management professionals. We also have attorneys and other professionally registered staff.

Unlike many other U.S. federal agencies, the Middle East District is project funded. This simply means that you pay us for the services we provide you. Federal law prohibits us from either making a profit or suffering a loss at the end of a given year.

This project-funded, or pay-for-service, model is often new to people who are working with our District for the first time. We will work with you to determine if our services are provided at a flat rate, which is determined by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers headquarters, or at an “at-cost” rate. These details are part of the PMP. We are happy to provide you a full accounting of the funds you have entrusted with us. We return all available unneeded funds at the end of a project so you can use them elsewhere for your mission needs.

The Middle East District provides project management services for both U.S. and host nation projects. Our program and project managers are a valuable resource in helping customers receive the maximum benefit from the services our organization provides. Project managers oversee each project throughout its life cycle and serve as the customer’s primary interface with District professionals, representing their interests and acting as their advocate.

Expand List item 8195Collapse List item 8195  Engineering and Design

The Middle East District’s design staff provides engineering and design assistance on a wide range of projects. For certain projects, we provide complete design services using our in-house staff. For other projects, we manage architect-engineer contracts or obtain services from other USACE offices. We also review contracted designs to ensure that they fully meet the customer’s requirements and are ready for the construction contract phase.

The Middle East District has registered professionals in the following disciplines: civil engineering, architecture, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, geotechnical engineering, and fire protection.

Our design staff is available to assist customers in developing new projects from beginning to completion, or to assist with repair or alteration projects.

Expand List item 21955Collapse List item 21955  Middle East District Validated Labs - 09 January 24 (use Google Chrome, not Microsoft Edge to open pdf)

Need more about the Middle East District laboratory validation?  Please let us know:

The Middle East District ensures that contractors meet all technical, quality, and safety specifications on contracts. Our staff manages construction contracts, job order contracts, facility support services, life support, and operations and maintenance contracts. In addition, we provide construction surveillance on contracts awarded by host nations using agreed-upon standards.

The Middle East District's Contracting Division is dedicated to providing world-class contracting services that meet customer requirements and deliver project awards within authority and budget and on schedule.

Expand List item 10790Collapse List item 10790  




Hangar Fire Protection

The Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) for Hangar Fire Protection provides fire protection engineering assistance to USACE offices involved in the design and construction of fire protection systems for aircraft hangars. The TCX has sought to standardize design procedures and approaches to deliver better systems to our customers. The goal is to assure that hangar fire protection systems are designed and constructed to be as cost effective, reliable, and maintainable as possible.

Visit the TCX for Hangar Fire Protection

Center of Standardization

The primary focus of the Center of Standardization for Nonpermanent Facilities is to provide standard designs that will meet current and future contingency operational needs. The ultimate goal is to provide standard facility designs that will be constructed using local materials and building methods to reduce the overall construction costs and significantly reduce construction completion time frames.

Visit the Center of Standardization