
USACE Deployment Information

All USACE deployees report to the Camp Atterybury, Indiana (CAIN) for pre-deployment processing.  This is currently a nine day process which includes a seven day Restriction of Movement (ROM) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Middle East District's Deployment Administrative Resource Team (DART) works with you before you travel to CAIN. If you previously deployed through the USACE Deployment Center (UDC) or through the CONUS Replacement Center at Ft. Bliss, you'll be familiar with the DART processes, which haven't changed. The DART will continue to assist you and ensure you are cleared to report to CAIN before orders are cut. This should allow for a less stressful experience at the deployment platform.  

Please select the deployment category on the right that applies to you and carefully review the information. This link provides a summary of the instructions for a wide range of requirements, including security clearances, passports, medical information, and completion of administrative forms that are a prerequisite for deployment. While this link provides a synopsis of the requirements, check out all other links to discover additional necessary information about your deployment.

If any of your deployment-related questions are not answered by the information provided in this website, please contact your DART representative. The DART will process your deployment paperwork and is available to provide additional information and guidance.


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COIN and Human Rights training is no longer required

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