• February

    Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Division supports STEM initiatives through STARBASE Academy Winchester

    Brig. Gen. Robert Carlson, Transatlantic Division commander, and Elizabeth Prusch, P.E., Middle East District structural engineer, shared engineering magic with a fourth grade class from the Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School, Feb. 10 at the STARBASE Academy in Winchester.
  • Transatlantic Division holds Change of Responsibility Ceremony

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division held its Change of Responsibility Ceremony at the Division’s headquarters in Winchester, Va. During the ceremony, the Division bid farewell to outgoing Command Sgt. Maj. Roy Ward and welcomed Command Sgt. Maj. Ronald Johnson as the new command sergeant major of the Transatlantic Division.
  • Middle East Districts kicks off Leadership Development Program in the Field

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District recently kicked off Leadership Development I in the Field, marking the first time the program has been held for field offices within the District’s area of responsibility.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers enables, supports Combined Joint Task Force during Operation Inherent Resolve

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plays a vital role in supporting Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), said Col. Jerry Farnsworth, Combined Joint Task Force engineer.
  • January

    Counter narcotics facilities completed in Kyrgyzstan

    U.S. and Kyrgyzstan officials jointly opened two border posts constructed by the Middle East District with ribbon cutting ceremonies at Aikol and Kulundu in the southern region of Batken in early December 2014.
  • December

    Middle East District engineers return to STARBASE Academy Winchester

    Local students from Frederick County’s Gainesboro Elementary School built bridges with two Middle East District engineers during a STEM presentation at STARBASE Academy at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center in Winchester.
  • November

    District professionals take part in James Wood High School Career Fair

    Two Middle East District professionals returned to James Wood High School today to speak to juniors and seniors headed to college. Jerry Henry graduated from James Wood and Qing Xu returned for the second year as a career day speaker.
  • October

    Employees learn about staying healthy and pain free at the office

    Dr. Melissa Jennings from Winchester Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, Inc. spoke to employees during a brown bag lunch program Oct. 29 at the District headquarters in Winchester, Va.
  • Guest speaker talks to employees about home cyber security safety

    Virginia State Police’s high-tech crimes division special agent spoke to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District employees about home and family cyber security safety Oct. 27 at the District headquarters in Winchester, Va.
  • Middle East District hosts Industry Day

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District staff met with more than 300 contractor representatives during the Industry Day event held Oct. 16 at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Va.
  • August

    Middle East District engineers speak to STARBASE Academy students

    Local students recently built bridges with three Middle East District engineers during a STEM presentation at STARBASE Academy at the Cherry-Beasley Readiness Center in Winchester.
  • Rivera honored as Great Minds in STEM Military and Civilian Hero

    Air Force Lt. Col. Jose Rivera, former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District Military Deputy for Programs and Project Management, was recently named as one of the Great Minds in STEM 2014 Military and Civilian Heroes.
  • July

    Student shadows District engineers, determines his future path

    The Middle East District and Frederick County Public Schools collaborated on shadowing sessions so a local student could explore engineering careers. The program fits perfectly with the USACE commitment of teaming with others to strengthen programs that inspire young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
  • STEM shadowing experience successful for all

    The recently completed shadowing experience was reportedly a success from all perspectives. Middle East District engineers and architects shared time with a local high school student in one-hour increments throughout February, March, April and May. Most of the engineers and architects who spent time with the student seemed to appreciate the experience.
  • Eyre relinquishes command of Transatlantic Division, retires

    Maj. Gen. Michael Eyre, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Transatlantic Division commander, relinquished command and retired from the U.S. Army during a Relinquishment of Command and Retirement Ceremony June 27 at the Stonewall Jackson headquarters here.
  • May

    A Lasting Legacy: The Dhahran Airfield and Civil Air Terminal

    The Dhahran Airfield and Civil Air Terminal projects in Saudi Arabia paved the way for one of the largest construction programs in Corps' history. This article focuses on the airfield, its history, and the construction of the terminal.
  • Corps of Engineers completes University of Kandahar Law Library

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently handed over the keys to a new law library at the University of Kandahar in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The project, which began in late 2012, will offer students and scholars a first rate facility in which to study Afghanistan’s legal codes. The Kandahar Law Library is another example of USACE and U.S. Force - Afghanistan partnering efforts to build capacity in all fields through support of the Kandahar University and its various departments.
  • Middle East District hosts Day with an Engineer for local high school students

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District hosted a Day with an Engineer for local high school students April 29 at the Middle East District headquarters in Winchester, Va. Day with an Engineer allowed students considering careers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics to hear from professionals and learn more about these fields.
  • April

    PMs Forward enhance customer service, efficiency

    Strong relationships have sustained the Middle East District’s stability and longevity in the Middle East region. The District now employs another method to further enhance those relationships by assigning project managers overseas, referred to as project managers or PMs Forward, with our field staffs and customers.
  • Laying the Foundation: Roosevelt meets with King Abdul Aziz

    On February 14, 1945, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake on the Suez Canal. This meeting would have lasting implications on U.S. - Saudi relations for years to come.