Tag: contracting
  • October

    The Magic Behind the Mystery: Fiscal New Year for Dummies

    The importance of the end of the fiscal year is something almost anyone working for the federal government is somewhat familiar with, but for Contracting and Resource Management, the days leading up to it are among the busiest and most important of their entire year. And while for some employees the days leading up to a “fiscal new year,” are simply background noise, Contracting and RM are quite literally ensuring their agencies continue to function -- especially in an organization like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) which deals in multi-million dollar construction contracts as well as a host of smaller contracts for services throughout the Middle East supporting U.S. military and allied nations in the region.
  • January

    District Leverages Contracting Expertise throughout the Middle East

    Through its over 60 years of existence, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East