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TDY: 15-30 Days

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Expand List item 10138Collapse List item 10138  Welcome to the UDC

The requirements for a short term TDY are not as stringent as six-month or year-long deployments. The Army defines short term TDY as anything under 30 days. Below are the training and administrative and medical requirements for short term TDYs.

Printable Checklist

If you plan on taking a government lap top computer with you on your deployment, you will need to get your Geneva Convention Common Access Card (CAC) issued at your home station. If a new CAC is issued at the UDC, it will not work with your computer.

Expand List item 10139Collapse List item 10139  Pre-deployment Information


A Secret clearance is required for deployment. For current United States Government employees, as soon as selected for deployment you must notify your local Security Manager and ensure he/she verifies your Secret clearance is current. You are also required to update your ENGLINK PDS with your full social security number. If you do not have a security clearance work with your local Security Manager to start the process. If you are a New Hire from outside the United States Government assure that the US Army Corps of Engineers Human Resources person who you received the initial job offer is aware that you do not have a security clearance so they start the security clearance process immediately.

CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements

All personnel are required to complete the CRC Prerequisites Requirements before coming to the UDC. To access this training, click here, then click on "Access the My Training Tab (MT2)." Log in with your AKO username and password or CAC. Then, click on "Deployment Training" in the What's Hot section. At the top of the next screen, click on CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements and this will take you to most of the training modules. If the above link is not working, try this alternate link. Training modules identified on the Training Checklist not listed in the CRC Prerequisites Requirements are listed below.

• While at the UDC there will be continuation training in Anti Terrorism/Force Protection and hands-on training for Hot and Cold Weather Injuries.

Download the UDC training checklist and have your EOC verify that the training has been completed and send the completed checklist to your APPO Representative. In addition to the CRC Prerequisites Requirements, the following training modules need to be completed and are included on the checklist as well:

Personal Recovery PRO-file

All personnel are required to complete a Personal Recovery PRO-file. If you have completed the Personnel Recovery Pro-File previously, it does not have to be accomplished again. Please send in a copy of your completed certificate to your APPO Representative. If you are unsure whether you completed this or not, let your APPO Representative know and they can verify.

Please read the step-by-step instructions prior to completing.

To complete this, log on to the DA Personal Recovery website (AKO password or CAC is required for log-in).
• Click on link: "For information regarding pre-deployment training, please see FORSCOM Personnel Recovery Website"
• Click on "Pre-OCONUS Travel File (Pro-File)" on the upper left side of the page
• Click on "To Access Pro-File, Click Here"
• Click on "Proceed to Survey"

• Instructions for inserting pictures for the Pro-File:

1. After the picture is taken, save it to a file on your computer so you can access it.
2. After it is saved, right click on the picture and open with Microsoft Picture Manager.
3. From the tool bar go to picture and select resize.
4. Click on resize setting.
5. Click on predefined height and width.
6. click on e-mail large.
7. click on OK.
8. Save the new picture in a place where you can access it.
9. When you get the point in Pro-file where you need to insert your picture, click on browse and access your new picture and insert it.

Pro-file MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE COMING TO THE UDC! After you complete this form, print out the certificate and send it to your APPO Representative.

 Army Accident Avoidance Course

 All personnel must complete the Army’s on-line Accident Avoidance Course. Forward a copy of the completed training certificate to your APPO representative. To take the exam and receive your certificate, click here.

Capacity Development Level I Overview Training

All personnel must complete the Army’s Capacity Development Level I Training. AKO log-in is required.

Introduction to Biometrics and Biometric Systems

All personnel must review Introduction to Biometrics and Biometrics Systems. Sign and date the last page of the briefing and forward a copy of the completed training certificate to pre-deployment liaison.

Counterinsurgency (COIN) Training

All personnel deploying to Afghanistan are required to complete COIN Training. JKO log-in is required.



Due to recent Department of State changes in Official Passport processing the time to obtain Official Passports has increased significantly. Deploying personnel must begin Official Passport application within 48 hours assignment notification.

 • The typical processing time for Official Passports is two (2) to three (3) business weeks.

 • A passport with an expiration date of 6 months or more beyond current tour end date is considered valid for deployment.

 • All personnel (civilian and military) deploying to Iraq must possess a valid U.S. Government Official (Brown) or a U.S. Tourist (Blue) passport for deployment. Traveling with both passports is recommended.

 • All USACE personnel deploying to Afghanistan will travel through Bagram and Kandahar Airfields. Currently personnel must possess a tourist passport and at a minimum need to have applied for an official passport before they arrive at the UDC for deployment processing. Every effort must be made to have the official passport when reporting to the UDC.

 • The MED Passport Agent is authorized to assist in obtaining the Official Passport and Afghanistan visa only. The MED Passport Agent is not authorized to process Tourist Passport applications. Afghanistan visas are not required when flying into Bagram or Kandahar.

 • A Tourist passport can be obtained through your local Post Office or local state/town government. The expense for Tourist Passport application/processing is reimbursable only for personnel deploying to Afghanistan.

 Please follow these instructions to apply for the Official Passport through the MED Passport Agent:

 1. You possess a valid (expires 6+ months after end of tour) Tourist Passport. DO NOT SEND it to MED Passport Agent. Apply for your official passport using an original birth certificate, with raised seal, or another expired (Issued more than 15 years ago) Official or Tourist Passport. The form used will be the DS-11. DS 11 Instructions

2. You do not possess a valid Tourist or Official passport. Apply for the Official Passport through the MED Passport Agent first using the DS 11 and an original birth certificate, with raised seal. If you have a passport official or tourist that has expired less than 15 years ago, it can be used to apply for the new official passport using the DS 82. DS 82 Instructions. Apply for the Tourist Passport through your local Post Office or local state/town government.

3. You have a valid (expires 6+ months after end of tour) Official Passport only. Apply for the Tourist Passport through your local Post Office or local state/town government.

 All USACE personnel deploying to Afghanistan will travel through Bagram and Kandahar Airfields. Currently personnel must possess a tourist passport and at a minimum need to have applied for an official passport before they arrive at the UDC for deployment processing. Every effort must be made to have the official passport when reporting to the UDC. Direct passport related questions the MED Passport Agent: DLL-CETAM-PASSPORTAGENT@USACE.ARMY.MIL


Eagle Cash Card

The Eagle Cash Card is now mandatory for civilians while they are deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. The card will replace using cash while you are deployed. Read more. Please complete DD Form 2887 and you will be briefed at the UDC on the use of the card.


 Travel Arrangements

You should make your travel arrangements as soon as you are notified of your assignment. Be sure to ask your APPO Representative and check your tasker to see if additional training is required that will affect your departure date. You do not need to wait for your travel orders. Contact the MED Carlson Wagonlit Travel agent at 800-265-9893. Your electronic ticket and travel orders will be released once you’ve completed all pre-deployment processing. After confirming your arrival time at Dulles Airport, coordinate your ground transportation from the airport to your hotel in Winchester by calling one of the following numbers:

• AES Limo: 800-832-6561
• Executive Limo: 800-622-6990
• Winchester Limo: 877-323-1008

This information is provided for your convenience only. Please verify the method of payment, i.e., cash, credit card or check with the company you arrange your transportation. If your flight arrangements change or delays occur, please notify the limo service. Taxi service to Winchester is available at the Dulles Int. Airport.


_______ Log on to ENGLink and update your Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and Record of Emergency Data including your full SSN. You will need your U-PASS user ID and Oracle password to login. After logging into ENGLink, click the link to your "Personal Data Sheet". From there, click on "edit" on the page. This will allow you to make changes to your PDS. There is a DD93 under the "Documents" tab on the top. Please fill out and save it to your desktop as a PDF file and then add it to the "Attachments" area on your PDS sheet.

_______ FAMILY READINESS (per regulation ENG 600-1-54 and OPORD 2011-22) Please read the ENG 6037-E Family Readiness instructional page, then complete the Family Readiness Form ENG 6037-E. You will be able to make changes or update your form as your situation changes. You can specify the type of contact the Family Readiness Program may have with your Family. Directions for processing your form are in the instructional page. This must be loaded to your ENGLink Personal Data Sheet no later than the Wednesday before you arrive to the UDC.

_______ Fill out the Direct Deposit Form. This data is primarily for travel reimbursement, but will also be used for regular pay if no other data is provided.

_______ Complete the Emergency Essential Position Agreement. List the position information for the position you have been hired for overseas (not your current position) and have your current supervisor sign. * Click on "Enable All Features" and then "Typewriter" to complete this form electronically.

_______ Complete the DD93 Record of Emergency Data. The DD93 lists your next of kin to be notified if you become a casualty. Include a strip map to the address of the next of kin. Provide a copy of the DD93 to APPO and to your home station EOC. Hand-carry a copy to UDC and overseas for your downrange supervisor.

_______ Complete Thrift Savings Plan (TSP-19), if you have a TSP loan.

_______ Complete Country Clearance Request Form for all deployees going to Afghanistan and for deployees going to Iraq for less than 30 days.

_______ [Afghanistan Deployees Only] Complete the UDC Clothing Issuance Form. The clothing cross-reference sheet will help you determine what sizes to request.
• Please ensure you are measured properly using the clothing cross-reference sheet. Uniforms are sewn in advance and it creates extra work when the sizes are incorrect.
• The UDC does not have large/regular blouse sizes in its inventory. We will issue large/long or large/short blouses depending on the height given on the clothing form.

Before deploying, take a moment to review the Transatlantic Division's Uniform Policy for Deployed Personnel.

_______ [Iraq and Kuwait Deployees] Complete the Iraq/Kuwait ID Tag Form.Before deploying, take a moment to review the Transatlantic Division's


Expand List item 10151Collapse List item 10151  Medical Information

If are going TDY to Iraq, Afghanistan or Kuwait less than 15 days, no physical or medical history is required.

  • If you are going TDY to Iraq, Afghanistan or Kuwait between 15 and 29 days, and are less than 50 years old, no physical or medical history is required.
  • If you are going TDY to Iraq, Afghanistan or Kuwait between 15 and 29 days and are over 50 years old, you are required to submit a current DD Form 2807-1 (Report of Medical History and a DD Form 2808 (Report of Physical Exam). Please ensure these forms are signed and dated by your examining physician. No lab work other than indicated below is required. * Current’ is defined as within eight (8) weeks of TDY start date. If abnormalities appear on the physical or medical history, the UDC Physician may ask for additional medical information.

All Personnel are required to submit the following:

_______ DD FORM 771 EYEWEAR PERSCRIPTION must be completed and returned to the UDC a minimum of THREE WEEKS before you deploy, so that your protective mask and ballistic glass inserts can be ordered. This form MUST ALSO be included in your deployment packet, even if glasses/contacts are not required. In that case, simply write "glasses not required" on the form. The DD771 is the only form accepted by DoD when ordering prescription eyewear. NO OTHER FORM OF PRESCRIPTION CAN BE ACCEPTED. (You can include your civilian prescription with the DD771.) PRESCRIPTION MUST NOT BE OLDER THAN ONE YEAR.

To avoid delays in the ordering process, please ensure all writing is clear and legible.

In order to meet deployment requirements, ALL military and civilian personnel who require corrective eyewear are required to have two sets of prescription glasses prior to deployment.

_______ Complete Smallpox Vaccination Pre-Screening Form

Lab Work

  • DNA (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)
  • G6PD (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)
  • Blood Type (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)

Immunizations for all personnel:

_______ ANTHRAX (mandatory for personnel deploying to the USCENTCOM AOR). For additional information on the anthrax vaccine, visit


· Series of 2 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 6-12 months

· One series in lifetime, no booster required unless recommended by Health Care Provider.


· Series of 3 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 30 days

· 3rd 0 + 6-12 months


· Yearly, between the months of September and May

· For months outside September-May, as recommended by Health Care Provider


_______ MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) (As an adult, once in a lifetime). People born before 1957 do not require a MMR vaccine. MMR should be given either simultaneously or 30 days before receiving anticipated smallpox vaccination.

_______ POLIO (oral or IM) (As an adult, once in a lifetime)

_______ TETANUS / DIPHTHERIA (Once every 10 years)

_______ TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST (PPD) within 90 days of deployment (If there is a history of positive reactions a doctor's evaluation of a chest x-ray, not older than one year, must be submitted).

_______ TYPHOID (Every 2 years)

TDY: Less Than 15 Days

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Expand List item 10154Collapse List item 10154  Welcome to the UDC

The requirements for a short term TDY are not as stringent as six-month or year-long deployments. The Army defines short term TDY as anything under 30 days. Below are the training and administrative and medical requirements for short term TDYs.

Printable Checklist

If you plan on taking a government lap top computer with you on your deployment, you will need to get your Geneva Convention Common Access Card (CAC) issued at your home station. If a new CAC is issued at the UDC, it will not work with your computer.

Expand List item 10155Collapse List item 10155  Pre-deployment Information


A Secret clearance is required for deployment. For current United States Government employees, as soon as selected for deployment you must notify your local Security Manager and ensure he/she verifies your Secret clearance is current. You are also required to update your ENGLINK PDS with your full social security number. If you do not have a security clearance work with your local Security Manager to start the process. If you are a New Hire from outside the United States Government assure that the US Army Corps of Engineers Human Resources person who you received the initial job offer is aware that you do not have a security clearance so they start the security clearance process immediately.

Personal Recovery PRO-file

All personnel are required to complete a Personal Recovery PRO-file. If you have completed the Personnel Recovery Pro-File previously, it does not have to be accomplished again. Please send in a copy of your completed certificate to your APPO Representative. If you are unsure whether you completed this or not, let your APPO Representative know and they can verify.

Please read the step-by-step instructions prior to completing.

To complete this, log on to the DA Personal Recovery website (AKO password or CAC is required for log-in).
• Click on link: "For information regarding pre-deployment training, please see FORSCOM Personnel Recovery Website"
• Click on "Pre-OCONUS Travel File (Pro-File)" on the upper left side of the page
• Click on "To Access Pro-File, Click Here"
• Click on "Proceed to Survey"

• Instructions for inserting pictures for the Pro-File:

1. After the picture is taken, save it to a file on your computer so you can access it.
2. After it is saved, right click on the picture and open with Microsoft Picture Manager.
3. From the tool bar go to picture and select resize.
4. Click on resize setting.
5. Click on predefined height and width.
6. click on e-mail large.
7. click on OK.
8. Save the new picture in a place where you can access it.
9. When you get the point in Pro-file where you need to insert your picture, click on browse and access your new picture and insert it.

Pro-file MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE COMING TO THE UDC! After you complete this form, print out the certificate and send it to your APPO Representative.

Introduction to Biometrics and Biometric Systems

All personnel must review Introduction to Biometrics and Biometrics Systems. Sign and date the last page of the briefing and forward a copy of the completed training certificate to pre-deployment liaison.


Due to recent Department of State changes in Official Passport processing the time to obtain Official Passports has increased significantly. Deploying personnel must begin Official Passport application within 48 hours assignment notification.

• The typical processing time for Official Passports is two (2) to three (3) business weeks.

• A passport with an expiration date of 6 months or more beyond current tour end date is considered valid for deployment.

• All personnel (civilian and military) deploying to Iraq must possess a valid U.S. Government Official (Brown) or a U.S. Tourist (Blue) passport for deployment. Traveling with both passports is recommended.

• All USACE personnel deploying to Afghanistan will travel through Bagram and Kandahar Airfields. Currently personnel must possess a tourist passport and at a minimum need to have applied for an official passport before they arrive at the UDC for deployment processing. Every effort must be made to have the official passport when reporting to the UDC.

• The MED Passport Agent is authorized to assist in obtaining the Official Passport and Afghanistan visa only. The MED Passport Agent is not authorized to process Tourist Passport applications. Afghanistan visas are not required when flying into Bagram or Kandahar.

• A Tourist passport can be obtained through your local Post Office or local state/town government. The expense for Tourist Passport application/processing is reimbursable only for personnel deploying to Afghanistan.

Please follow these instructions to apply for the Official Passport through the MED Passport Agent:

1. You possess a valid (expires 6+ months after end of tour) Tourist Passport. DO NOT SEND it to MED Passport Agent. Apply for your official passport using an original birth certificate, with raised seal, or another expired (Issued more than 15 years ago) Official or Tourist Passport. The form used will be the DS-11. DS 11 Instructions.

2. You do not possess a valid Tourist or Official passport. Apply for the Official Passport through the MED Passport Agent first using the DS 11 and an original birth certificate, with raised seal. If you have a passport official or tourist that has expired less than 15 years ago, it can be used to apply for the new official passport using the DS 82. DS 82 instructions. Apply for the Tourist Passport through your local Post Office or local state/town government.

3. You have a valid (expires 6+ months after end of tour) Official Passport only. Apply for the Tourist Passport through your local Post Office or local state/town government.

All USACE personnel deploying to Afghanistan will travel through Bagram and Kandahar Airfields. Currently personnel must possess a tourist passport and at a minimum need to have applied for an official passport before they arrive at the UDC for deployment processing. Every effort must be made to have the official passport when reporting to the UDC. Direct passport related questions the MED Passport Agent: DLL-CETAM-PASSPORTAGENT@USACE.ARMY.MIL

Travel Arrangements

You should make your travel arrangements as soon as you are notified of your assignment. Be sure to ask your APPO Representative and check your tasker to see if additional training is required that will affect your departure date. You do not need to wait for your travel orders. Contact the MED Carlson Wagonlit Travel agent at 800-265-9893. Your electronic ticket and travel orders will be released once you’ve completed all pre-deployment processing. After confirming your arrival time at Dulles Airport, coordinate your ground transportation from the airport to your hotel in Winchester by calling one of the following numbers:

• AES Limo: 800-832-6561
• Executive Limo: 800-622-6990
• Winchester Limo: 877-323-1008

This information is provided for your convenience only. Please verify the method of payment, i.e., cash, credit card or check with the company you arrange your transportation. If your flight arrangements change or delays occur, please notify the limo service. Taxi service to Winchester is available at the Dulles Int. Airport.

Iraq Deployees:

If you are deploying to Iraq, your commercial flight will take you from Dulles to Kuwait. From Kuwait you will be manifested on a military flight into Iraq.

Afghanistan Deployees:

Personnel deploying to the Afghanistan Engineer Districts fly into either Kandahar, Bagram or the ISAF side of the Kabul Airport. Flights landing on the commercial side of the Kabul Airport are not authorized. Travelers are limited to 65 pounds of baggage on these flights which includes any carry-on baggage. This weight restriction is non-negotiable. USACE personnel will stay overnight in Dubai and will incur a reimbursable cost of between $200 - $250 for a hotel so please plan accordingly.

USACE personnel deploying to Afghanistan, but in support of another agency, i.e. ARCENT, USFOR-A, CENTAF, ect., and Non-USACE personnel deploying out of the UDC do not use USACE contracted flights and will have to make other arrangements to fly into Afghanistan.

The UDC will issue approximately 45 pounds of gear to each individual going to Afghanistan. Personnel will be afforded the opportunity to mail items to Afghanistan. This will be at no cost to you while you are at the UDC. Prior to departing your home station, limit your personal items and civilian clothes to only what you require for your five days at the UDC.


_______ Log on to ENGLink and update your Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and Record of Emergency Data including your full SSN. You will need your U-PASS user ID and Oracle password to login. After logging into ENGLink, click the link to your "Personal Data Sheet". From there, click on "edit" on the page. This will allow you to make changes to your PDS. There is a DD93 under the "Documents" tab on the top. Please fill out and save it to your desktop as a PDF file and then add it to the "Attachments" area on your PDS sheet.

_______ FAMILY READINESS (per regulation ENG 600-1-54 and OPORD 2011-22) Please read the ENG 6037-E Family Readiness instructional page, then complete the Family Readiness Form ENG 6037-E. You will be able to make changes or update your form as your situation changes. You can specify the type of contact the Family Readiness Program may have with your Family. Directions for processing your form are in the instructional page. This must be loaded to your ENGLink Personal Data Sheet no later than the Wednesday before you arrive to the UDC.

_______ Fill out the Direct Deposit Form. This data is primarily for travel reimbursement, but will also be used for regular pay if no other data is provided.

_______ Complete the Emergency Essential Position Agreement. List the position information for the position you have been hired for overseas (not your current position) and have your current supervisor sign. * Click on "Enable All Features" and then "Typewriter" to complete this form electronically.

_______ Complete the DD93 Record of Emergency Data. The DD93 lists your next of kin to be notified if you become a casualty. Include a strip map to the address of the next of kin. Provide a copy of the DD93 to APPO and to your home station EOC. Hand-carry a copy to UDC and overseas for your downrange supervisor.

_______ Complete Thrift Savings Plan (TSP-19), if you have a TSP loan.

_______ Complete Country Clearance Request Form for all deployees going to Afghanistan and for deployees going to Iraq for less than 30 days.

_______ [Afghanistan Deployees Only] Complete the UDC Clothing Issuance Form. The clothing cross-reference sheet will help you determine what sizes to request.
• Please ensure you are measured properly using the clothing cross-reference sheet. Uniforms are sewn in advance and it creates extra work when the sizes are incorrect.
• The UDC does not have large/regular blouse sizes in its inventory. We will issue large/long or large/short blouses depending on the height given on the clothing form.

Before deploying, take a moment to review the Transatlantic Division's Uniform Policy for Deployed Personnel.

_______ [Iraq and Kuwait Deployees] Complete the Iraq/Kuwait ID Tag Form.

Expand List item 10158Collapse List item 10158  Medical Information

_______ DD FORM 771 EYEWEAR PERSCRIPTION must be completed and returned to the UDC a minimum of THREE WEEKS before you deploy, so that your protective mask and ballistic glass inserts can be ordered. This form MUST ALSO be included in your deployment packet, even if glasses/contacts are not required. In that case, simply write "glasses not required" on the form. The DD771 is the only form accepted by DoD when ordering prescription eyewear. NO OTHER FORM OF PRESCRIPTION CAN BE ACCEPTED. (You can include your civilian prescription with the DD771.) PRESCRIPTION MUST NOT BE OLDER THAN ONE YEAR.

To avoid delays in the ordering process, please ensure all writing is clear and legible.

In order to meet deployment requirements, ALL military and civilian personnel who require corrective eyewear are required to have two sets of prescription glasses prior to deployment.

_______ Complete Smallpox Vaccination Pre-Screening Form

Lab Work

  • DNA (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)
  • G6PD (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)
  • Blood Type (Once in a lifetime test and does not have to be reaccomplished)

Immunizations for all personnel:

_______ ANTHRAX (mandatory for personnel deploying to the USCENTCOM AOR). For additional information on the anthrax vaccine, visit


· Series of 2 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 6-12 months

· One series in lifetime, no booster required unless recommended by Health Care Provider.


· Series of 3 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 30 days

· 3rd 0 + 6-12 months


· Yearly, between the months of September and May

· For months outside September-May, as recommended by Health Care Provider

_______ POLIO (oral or IM) (As an adult, once in a lifetime)

_______ TETANUS / DIPHTHERIA (Once every 10 years)

_______ TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST (PPD) within 90 days of deployment (If there is a history of positive reactions a doctor's evaluation of a chest x-ray, not older than one year, must be submitted).

_______ TYPHOID (Every 2 years)

_______ Anthrax is optional for personnel deploying for less than 15 consecutive days.

_______ Small Pox optional for personnel deploying for less than 15 consecutive days