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Expand List item 10127Collapse List item 10127  Contractor Requirements for attending the USACE Deployment Center

The Administrative Personnel Processing Office (APPO) has directed you to this web site to get you started on the paperwork necessary for deployment. You will be working with the APPO for submission of your pre-deployment package. All pre-deployment paperwork, to include completed MEDICAL, with the exception of your security clearance verification, will be submitted through the APPO and must be received three weeks prior to reporting to the USACE Deployment Center (UDC). Failure to provide this info in the requested timeline might result in delays to the original deployment date.

Printable Checklist

Expand List item 10128Collapse List item 10128  Pre-deployment Information
CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements

All personnel are required to complete the CRC Prerequisites Requirements before coming to the UDC. To access this training, click here, then click on "Access the My Training Tab (MT2)." Log in with your AKO username and password or CAC. Then, click on "Deployment Training" in the What's Hot section. At the top of the next screen, click on CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements and this will take you to most of the training modules. If the above link is not working, try this alternate link. Training modules identified on the Training Checklist not listed in the CRC Prerequisites Requirements are listed below.

• While at the UDC there will be continuation training in Anti Terrorism/Force Protection and hands-on training for Hot and Cold Weather Injuries.

Download the UDC training checklist and have your Government Rep verify that the training has been completed and send the completed checklist to your APPO Representative. In addition to the CRC Prerequisites Requirements, the following training modules need to be completed and are included on the checklist as well:

Personal Recovery Pro-File:

All personnel are required to complete a Personal Recovery PRO-file. If you have completed the Personnel Recovery Pro-File previously, it does not have to be accomplished again. Please send in a copy of your completed certificate to your APPO Representative. If you are unsure whether you completed this or not, let your APPO Representative know and they can verify.

Please read the step-by-step instructions prior to completing.

To complete this, log on to the DA Personal Recovery website (AKO password or CAC is required for log-in).
• Click on link: "For information regarding pre-deployment training, please see FORSCOM Personnel Recovery Website"
• Click on "Pre-OCONUS Travel File (Pro-File)" on the upper left side of the page
• Click on "To Access Pro-File, Click Here"
• Click on "Proceed to Survey"

• Instructions for inserting pictures for the Pro-File:

1. After the picture is taken, save it to a file on your computer so you can access it.
2. After it is saved, right click on the picture and open with Microsoft Picture Manager.
3. From the tool bar go to picture and select resize.
4. Click on resize setting.
5. Click on predefined height and width.
6. click on e-mail large.
7. click on OK.
8. Save the new picture in a place where you can access it.
9. When you get the point in Pro-file where you need to insert your picture, click on browse and access your new picture and insert it.

Pro-file MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE COMING TO THE UDC! After you complete this form, print out the certificate and send it to your APPO Representative.

Introduction to Biometrics and Biometric Systems

All personnel must review Introduction to Biometrics and Biometrics Systems. Sign and date the last page of the briefing and forward a copy of the completed training certificate to pre-deployment liaison.

Counterinsurgency (COIN) Training

All personnel deploying to Afghanistan are required to complete COIN Training. JKO log-in is required.

PRE-UDC – Other Advanced Information

There are some things that we will need in advance from you prior to reporting to the UDC. This information needs to be sent to the Administrative Personnel Processing office either by FAX (540-665-3757/87) or e-mail to DLL-CETAM-APPO@USACE.ARMY.MIL. This information includes:

_______ Provide a copy of your tourist passport. Direct passport related questions the MED Passport Agent: DLL-CETAM-PASSPORTAGENT@USACE.ARMY.MIL


_______ It must be determined, through your contract manager, if you require MED to establish a USACE systems account. If you need an account, complete the System Authorization Access Request Form (Instructions). All deployees must answer the following questions on the form and fill out PART I – Sections 1-12, PART II – Section 13, 26a, 26b and 27 and return the completed form to the APPO.

______ Common Access Card: Ensure your personal date is put into the Contractor Verification System (CVS) so your CAC can be made at the UDC. You must also have an Army Knowledge On-Line (AKO) account prior to coming to the UDC. If you don’t have an AKO account, call 540-665-4075 to start this process.

______ Provide a copy of your itinerary to include hotel information (the UDC cannot make these reservations for you). Once you have confirmed your arrival time at Dulles Airport, coordinate your ground transportation from the airport to your hotel in Winchester by calling one of the following numbers:

• AES Limo: 800-832-6561
• Executive Limo: 800-622-6990
• Winchester Limo: 877-323-1008

This information is provided for your convenience only. Please verify the method of payment, i.e., cash, credit card or check with the company you arrange your transportation. If your flight arrangements change or delays occur, please notify the limo service. Taxi service to Winchester is available at the Dulles Int. Airport.

______ Complete the ID Tag Form.

______ Complete the DD93 Record of Emergency Data. The DD93 lists your next of kin to be notified if you become a casualty. Include a strip map to the address of the next of kin. Provide a copy of the DD93 to APPO and to your home station EOC. Hand-carry a copy to UDC and overseas for your downrange supervisor.


______ FAMILY READINESS (per regulation ENG 600-1-54) Please read ENG 6037-E Family Readiness and instructional page , then complete the Family Readiness Form ENG 6037- E . It is not mandatory to have your Family contacted during deployment or receive services however Section I Communication and Section II Employee Information need to be completed. You will be able to make changes or update your form as your situation changes. You can specify the level of contact the Family Readiness Program has with your Family. You can change the level of support at anytime. Directions for processing your form are in the instructional page.

Expand List item 10130Collapse List item 10130  Medical Information

Incomplete medical information or having a certain medical condition is the primary reason an individual will not deploy or is delayed. Individuals are not allowed to deploy with certain medical conditions. Information about disqualifying medical conditions can be found on the USACE Deployment Center’s website.

*Note: It is difficult to list all conditions that would disqualify someone from deploying. If you have one of the conditions identified or believe you may have a medical condition that would prevent you from deploying, please highlight this information when it is sent to the APPO. You will be reimbursed for your physical and dental exams only. If the UDC doctor requires additional tests or corrective medical procedures to determine deployability, the cost of these additions will be paid by the deployee.

* You must be medically cleared by the UDC doctor before orders will be issued.

* You must deploy with the following medical information:
1) Annotation of blood type and Rh factor, HIV, and DNA.
2) Current medications and allergies. Include any preventive medications prescribed and dispensed to an individual.
3) Special duty qualifications.
4) Annotation of corrective lens prescription.
5) Summary sheet of current and past medical and surgical problems. (DD Form 2807-1)
6) Copy of DD 2795 Form (Pre-deployment Health Assessment Form).
7) Documentation of dental status class I or II.
8) Immunization record: Must accurately reflect the current status for all immunizations at the time of departure (i.e. last minute immunizations provided on the deployment line must be annotated in the deployment medical record prior to departure. These must be promptly entered into electronic data system to ensure receiving medics in the AOR have access to accurate data for each inbound member).

Since the medical requirement is also the most costly and time consuming, follow the pre-deployment checklist below to ensure all necessary information is sent to the APPO.

_______ DD Form-2808, Report of Medical Exam, completed and signed by your doctor.

_______ DD Form 2807-1, Report of Medical History, completed and signed by your doctor.

_______ DD Form 2795,  Instructions.

_______ DD Form 2813, Report of Dental Exam, completed and signed by your dentist.

_______ DD FORM 771 EYEWEAR PERSCRIPTION must be completed and returned to the UDC a minimum of THREE WEEKS before you deploy, so that your protective mask and ballistic glass inserts can be ordered. This form MUST ALSO be included in your deployment packet, even if glasses/contacts are not required. In that case, simply write "glasses not required" on the form. The DD771 is the only form accepted by DoD when ordering prescription eyewear. NO OTHER FORM OF PRESCRIPTION CAN BE ACCEPTED. (You can include your civilian prescription with the DD771.) PRESCRIPTION MUST NOT BE OLDER THAN ONE YEAR.

To avoid delays in the ordering process, please ensure all writing is clear and legible.

In order to meet deployment requirements, ALL military and civilian personnel who require corrective eyewear are required to have two sets of prescription glasses prior to deployment.

_______ OSHA Respiratory Medical Evaluation Questionnaire form

_______ Complete Smallpox Vaccination Pre-Screening Form

_______ Copy of the laboratory report with the following tests completed:

    • Urinalysis (Routine) Includes testing for color, Sp. Gravity, PH
    • Chem 7 (include, as part of the Chem 7, a Hemoglobin A1c if you have diabetes, are glucose intolerant [high blood sugars], or are taking medicine to control blood sugar) * Two consecutive months of under 7.1 are required for deployment for all diabetics.
    • CBC
    • LIPID Profile (over 40 years of age)
    • G6PD (must have a normal result with taking anti-malaria medication)
    • Blood Type/RH
    • HIV (within 120 days)
    • DNA on File (Not always possible, can be done at the UDC)

_______ Copy of the EKG (if over 40 years of age).

_______ Framingham Coronary Heart Disease Risk Percentage - If over 40 years old, fill out this information to calculate your ten year risk assessment. When completed, print out and send to your APPO Representative.

_______ If on prescription medications, you MUST deploy with at least a 180 day supply.

_______ Copy of Audiogram if not completed on the DD From 2808.

_______ Visual Acuity. Either doctor’s note or annotated on the DD Form 2808 (Block 61) or on the “Eyes” section of the SF 78 (page 2).


_______ *PAP smear (within one year) (Actual lab report).

_______ *Mammogram (within two years if over 40 and within one year if over 50) (Actual Radiologist Report).

_______ Pregnancy Test (Urine), within 30 days of deployment. Women who have had hysterectomies are exempt.

*There could be certain circumstances, such as previous abnormal tests or family history issues where these time limits could vary. If you have any questions call the UDC in advance.


_______ ANTHRAX (mandatory for personnel deploying to the USCENTCOM AOR). For additional information on the anthrax vaccine, see


· Series of 2 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 6-12 months

· One series in lifetime, no booster required unless recommended by Health Care Provider.


· Series of 3 injections

· 1st Day 0

· 2nd 0 + 30 days

· 3rd 0 + 6-12 months


· Yearly, between the months of September and May

· For months outside September-May, as recommended by Health Care Provider

_______ MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) (As an adult, once in a lifetime). People born before 1957 do not require a MMR vaccine. MMR should be given either simultaneously or 30 days before receiving anticipated smallpox vaccination.

_______ POLIO (oral or IM) (As an adult, once in a lifetime)

_______ SMALLPOX (Administration per the latest DoD Guidance) required every 10 years. Proof of negative HIV status is required in order to receive smallpox vaccine.

_______ TETANUS / DIPHTHERIA (Once every 10 years)

_______ TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST (PPD) within 90 days of deployment (If there is a history of positive reactions a doctor's evaluation of a chest x-ray, not older than one year, must be submitted).

_______ TYPHOID (Every 2 years)

As you can see, there is a lot to do before you deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan. Once you have all items on this checklist accomplished and have been cleared by the UDC doctor, orders will be issued. All paperwork should be e-mailed to your APPO Representative or faxed to 540-665-3757/3787.