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The Middle East District headquarters in Winchester is open. Liberal Leave and telework are authorized due to inclement weater.  12 February 2025 

Tips on Processing Through the CRC

Tips on processing through the CRC at Fort Bliss

1.       Bring your tourist or official passport.

2.       DD Form 2795 (Pre-Deployment Health Assessment) must be completed through AKO before arriving at Fort Bliss and cannot be closed out by a health providerFort Bliss SRP medical will close out the DD 2795.

3.       Attempt to receive a deployment (Geneva Convention) CAC before arriving at CRC Ft. Bliss. CAC issue at CRC will require that you provide two current government issued picture IDs (old CAC and drivers license. passport) and a copy of your orders.

4.       USACE military deployees must arrive at Ft. Bliss CRC NLT 1700 on Friday.

5.       USACE civilian deployees must arrive at Ft. Bliss CRC NLT 1600 on Sunday.

6.       CRC SDO Phone number:  915-568-6313; S-3 Operations:  915-568-6296.

7.       Uniform-

                a.          Military; ACU/Multi-Cam except Tuesday, IPFU for CIF/RFI.

                b.      DA Civilians; Civilian attire except Tuesday, shorts and tee-shirt for CIF/RFI issue.

8.       CRC operates a internet café in bldg. 1011 open from 0830-2400.

9.       Billets (Bldg. 1007) are 2 per room with bathroom/shower; closet (does not lock) and locked door.  Laundry room is located in the building.

10. The USACE LNOs are located in Bldg. 723; Office Phone: 915-568-7936, MSG Michael Staudt BB: 540-514-2196, SFC Steven Green BB 540-533-0763.

11.   CRC CIF will issue IBA/IOTV, ACH, PPE and/or RFI.

12.   NO suitcases, foot lockers, or wheeled luggage on the special assignment airlift mission (SAAM’s) flight.  DA/DoD and other federal civilians are authorized 3 duffle bags (one personal duffle bag is included in this quantity) and 1 carry-on bag that meets commercial airline standards/size.  Bags should not exceed 70 lbs. each.  Military are authorized 4 duffel bags.

13.   Uniform for SAAM’s flight:

                a.       DA Civilians can wear civilian clothes on the SAAM’s flight.  You cannot wear shorts or opened toed shoes on the flight.

                b.      Military- ACU or Multi-Cam.

14.   CRC will operate a shuttle service to the main PX after duty hours.

15.   Post office (bldg. 1733) hours at Fort Bliss:  Mon,Wed,Fri:  0830-1700;  Tue,Thu:  0830-1800;  Sat-Sun:  Closed.

16.   Kuwait LNO Contact Information: 

                a.       Kuwait cell phone dialing instructions:  Dial DSN: 318-430-1110.  Ask the operator to connect you to one of the following phone numbers: 

                                        i.      USACE Kuwait Coordination Cell; Camp Arifjan, Kuwait APO AE 09366, Bldg. 1115, DSN:  318-430-4175 

                                        ii.  USACE LNO NCOIC; MSG Jorge G. Rubio, Kuwaiti Cell: 9725-8114 (24/7); BB 540-303-2610 (24/7)    

                          iii.  USACE LNO, SFC Lourdes M. Caamano, Cell: 6035-8724 (24/7), Office hours: Monday through Saturday, 0600-1600.

17.   If you have a reflective belt, bring it with you.

18.   Don’t bring personal weapons to Fort Bliss.

19.   Must have 180 day supply prescriptions medication. Show ability to obtain needed medication (s) while deployed.

20.   Must have two pair of all prescription and non prescription eye glasses.

21.  Bamford Dining Facility Building 906 (within walking distance from CRC/billeting)

Hours of operation:

M –F:    B 0500-0830; L 1100-1300; D 1700-1830

SAT/SUN: B 0700-0830; L 1100-1300; D 1600-1730