Winchester, Va. -- The Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM) awarded a contract for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Defense P-563 program on July 25, 2023
The Single Award Task Order Contract W912ER23D0009, was awarded to TECNICA Y PROYECTOS (TYPSA) FOR ENGINEERING for $ 10,798,896.91
The focus of this task order will be for the contractor to provide a total of four (4) Conceptual Master Plans for the P-563 Site, and the chosen alternative will be developed into the P-563 Master Plan. TYPSA will be responsible for a planning workshop where they cover the summary of existing data, review new available data, determine functional program requirements, do a property review, site visit and visual preference survey. They will focus on visioning, goals, and objectives to determine the master planning principles for P-563.
The period of performance is 255 Days After Notice to Proceed.
Release no. 23-003