Army Fellows Join Middle East District for Holiday "Gingerneering" Contest During Greening Event
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers participants in the Army Fellows Program participate in USACE’s Middle East District “gingerneering” contest during holiday festivities. The fellows were visiting the district for “Greening” event. A Greening Event” is a mandated requirement for all Army Fellows; to establish awareness of the active-duty Army mission while gaining an appreciation of the role Army Civilians play in improving readiness of the Army’s total force. Those participating have direct contact with Soldier(s) and be crafted to emphasize their contribution to the mission. This is a high value developmental opportunity and required by all Fellows, to include those who have prior military service (providing a different lens of the Army mission from the civilian perspective).

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Photo by: Shannon Hodges |  VIRIN: 241212-A-LA040-1164.JPG

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