USACE Active Duty Military

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All USACE military personnel must process through the CRC for deployment to the CENTCOM AOR. Please go to the Fort Bliss website for the requirements that need to be accomplished prior to reporting the CRC. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure you read the contents of the website and report there with the mandatory items. In addition to the CRC requirements there are some USACE predeployment requirements that have to be accomplished and sent to your Deployment Administrative Resource Team (DART) representative before reporting to the CRC, including: 

_______ Medical Pre-Screen Questionnaire

_______ Corps of Engineers employees: Log on to ENGLink and update your Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and Record of Emergency Data You will need your U-PASS user ID and Oracle password to login. After logging into ENGLink, click the link to your "Personal Data Sheet". From there, click on "edit" on the page. This will allow you to make changes to your PDS.  Non-Corps Employees must complete the Personnel Data Sheet, print off in landscape and send with other paperwork.

_______  CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements - Last updated 15 FEB 2021

All AD Military personnel are required to complete the CRC Prerequisites Training Requirements before reporting to the CRC. 

You should be able to access each training module by clicking on it. You would then click on "Access the My Training Tab (MT2)." Log in with your AKO username and password or CAC. Then, click on "Deployment Training" in the What's Hot section. At the top of the next screen, click on CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) Prerequisites Requirements and this will take you to most of the training modules. Training modules identified on the Training Checklist not listed in the CRC Prerequisites Requirements are listed below.

CRC/USACE Prerequisite Training Requirements

_____ FAMILY READINESS (per regulation ENG 600-1-54 and OPORD 2011-22) Please read ENG 6037-E Family Readiness and instructional page, then complete the Family Readiness Form ENG 6037-E. You will be able to make changes or update your form as your situation changes. You can specify the type of contact the Family Readiness Program may have with your Family. Directions for processing your form are in the instructional page. This must be loaded to your ENGLink Personal Data Sheet no later than the Wednesday prior to reporting to the CRC.

 _______ Fill out the Direct Deposit Form. This data is primarily for travel reimbursement, but will also be used for regular pay if no other data is provided. Example

 _______ Complete a Family Care Plan if applicable. See Army Regulation 600-20.

 _______ Complete the DD93 Record of Emergency Data. The DD93 lists your next of kin to be notified if you become a casualty. Include a strip map to the address of the next of kin. Provide a copy of the DD93 to DART and to your home station EOC. Hand-carry a copy to CRC and overseas for your downrange supervisor. Example.

_______ All personnel must complete the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge Training. Forward a copy of the completed training certificate to your DART representative. To take the training and receive your certificate, click here.

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

Reservist:  Obtain a certified copy of your DA Form 5960 from Regional Level Application Software (RLAS)

Guard: Obtain a certified copy of your DA Form 5960 from your organic S1

*Failure to get this form prior to attending the CRC will put you in as Type 2 BAH without dependent instead of the regular BAH, for deployers that have dependents, when in processing Finance at the CRC. 

Information Management

_______ Complete the System Authorization Access Request Form.   All deployees must answer the following questions on the form and fill out PART I – Blocks 1-12 only.  

Government Travel Charge Card 

Please read and sign the Government Travel Charge Card Statement of Understanding