Article List

Author: Nate Herring
  • May

    Middle East District hosts Day with an Engineer for local high school students

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District hosted a Day with an Engineer for local high school students April 29 at the Middle East District headquarters in Winchester, Va. Day with an Engineer allowed students considering careers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics to hear from professionals and learn more about these fields.
  • April

    Laying the Foundation: Roosevelt meets with King Abdul Aziz

    On February 14, 1945, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia aboard the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake on the Suez Canal. This meeting would have lasting implications on U.S. - Saudi relations for years to come.
  • February

    Bahrain Bridge move huge engineering feat

    Middle East District engineers and contracted personnel, moved an approximately 450-foot long, 2,650 metric ton tied-arch suspension bridge across a major roadway at the Naval Support Activity Bahrain, located in the capital city of Manama.
  • November

    Middle East District constructs Naval Support Activity Bahrain Flyover Bridge

    A new flyover bridge built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Middle East District will connect areas at Naval Support Activity Bahrain. The two areas are divided by a busy roadway.
  • October

    Basrah Children’s Hospital one step closer to treating childhood cancer

    The installation of a new MRI at the Basrah Children’s Hospital in Iraq brings the facility one step closer to diagnosing and treating childhood cancer, one of the leading causes of death in Iraqi children.